1.北约克的地理位置优越, 生活方便。
北约克正好处在整个大多伦多GTA的中心, 四通八达。无论是北上南下,还是东西往来,都很便捷。除了401高速和404高速贯穿东西南北外,还有两条TTC地铁线。 它们是U字型南北环绕的Yonge-University-Spadina线和东西向起自Yonge街的Sheppard线。刚登录的新移民就是不开车, 也能借助公共交通系统出行无阻。
北约克以多伦多的商业龙脉Yonge街为中轴向东西两侧铺排。Yonge街沿线有各色店铺,各式餐厅、酒吧及咖啡馆,选择多样。北约克还拥有 Yorkdale Shopping Centre和Fairview Mall等大大小小的近十个购物中心,还有不少华人超市和中餐馆,可以轻松满足一家老少不同的生活消费需求。
2. 北约克多高尚社区,升值潜力大。
公立中学有Earl Haig,North Toronto CI,York mills,St. Andrews。
Drewry Secondary School
St.Agnes Catholic School
Avondale Secondary Alternative School
Alpha High School
Nobel Academy
一趟车即可到达约克大学和Seneca College
- 分期2年支付20%定金:签约时付$10,000. 30天付5%-$10,000, 90天付5%,180天付2.5%,370天付2.5%, 420天付2.5%,540天付2.5%, 720天付2.5%, 入住时付最后的1%。
- 送免费转让 ($5,000.价值)
- Locker仅$2,000 (原价$8,000)
- 车位:送$7,000折扣 (2房或者更大单位)$78,000.
- 开发费封顶:1房或1加1$15,900; 2房或者更大单位$17,900.
- 首发期间签约者还有更多内部优惠,先到先得,送完为止。
(i) help you get the very first access to best possible units and incentives
(ii) help you have lawyers review new agreement of purchase and sale
(iii) help you go through mortgage pre approval process for the purchased units
(iv) help you cap the development fee/levies if any with the developer
(v) help get you developer’s free assignment and right to lease during occupancy
(vi) help you arrange the purchased unit’s leasing and property management
(vii) enroll you to our annual lucky draws for valuable and exciting prizes