Centricity Condos

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Project Overview

Centricity Condos公寓是由知名开发商Graywood着力推出的最新豪华公寓项目,位于多伦多 Dundas St East和 Church Street 交界处的东北角,具体地址是Church Street 241号,隶属多伦多闻名遐迩的花园区(The Garden District),这里有505有轨街车,Yonge-Dunas地铁站,商业区金融区大学区和五大医院都在附近几乎是步行距离,7分钟即可抵达安省最大的联合车站通往安省及加拿大各个地区和角落,生活和交通极佳。

这个市中心的位置提供了一个绝佳的机会,可以住在最受欢迎的市中心地区之一。 这个全新的时尚豪华高层住宅将拥有各种套房尺寸和布局以及超过 9,000 平方英尺的优质室内和室外建筑设施。 Centricity Condos 位于该市一些最具标志性的社区的顶端,提供无与伦比的交通、便利设施、教育机构、娱乐等。


登大士大街和广场为市中心核心位置、定期巴士服务和更多自行车道,新的路径、路线,社区与自身及其周围的人紧密相连,几分钟内即可到达多伦多各个地区。Centricity Condos 公寓目前目前正处于VIP Platinum 内部销售时间,如果您希望在第一时间以最低价格确保拿到单位,请尽快联系我们,优先选择楼层和户型,了解优惠信息。

Investment reasons

1. 步行指数100,交通指数100,生活便利程度超乎想象。
Garden District为居住在Centricity Condos 公寓的人提供了生活在多伦多市区所需的一切。步行指数100,交通指数100,无论您是沿着街道走到最近的高档餐厅、酒吧、咖啡屋,还是走进Yonge-Dundas地铁站前往公司、学校,或者在有轨电车上穿梭于整个城市,出行便利程度简直超乎想象。 这里有太多美好的东西期待你去探索,包括新近装修的Eaton Center 、充满活力的Dundas Square等,尤其是Dundas Square距离公寓仅几步之遥,全年都会举办音乐会、节日庆祝以及丰富多彩的社区活动。

2. 生活指数100,就业指数100, 生活与工作完美合一。
多伦多这些年跃居成为北美发展最快的大城市,据统计安省37%的工作机会集中在多伦多市中心。随着世界各大高科技企业相继着眼落后多伦多市中心,位于Yonge 和 Queen 附近的生活与工作兼顾的高档居所将成为越来越多的安家和投资者首选。

3. An important part of the process of residential intensification and modernization in Toronto's community, with huge investment potential.
Queen Church公寓项目是多伦多市政府大力倡导和推动的城市住宅集约化和现代化进程的重要组成部分。根据规划,开发商将联手市政各部门进一步优化和完善这里的交通线路及市政配套,引进更多的零售、办公、住宅、教育和娱乐设施,让旧城区在得到重建机会后迅速焕发生机,跻身多伦多最具活力的社区之列,进而吸引更多的人来到社区内工作和生活,推动房价和租金的上涨。

4. Good rental prospects, considerable cash flow and high investment value.
Centricity Condos公寓地理位置优越,乔治布朗学院、TMU瑞尔森大学和多伦多大学St. George 校区都距离公寓不远。此外,对于上班族而言,从公寓开车5分钟或乘坐公交25分钟即可抵达市中心办公区,那里有20多万个专业人士在勤勤恳恳地工作。Garden District已经成为许多年轻房主和租客的热门选择,我们有充分的理由相信,公寓落成后将面临庞大的租赁需求,租金和房价都会不可避免地上扬。因此,购买Centricity Condos 公寓是一个不错的投资选择。

Exclusive offer for VVIP stage

Total 20% Deposit

$10,0000 on Signing Balance of 5% in 30 days;

2.5% in 180 days;

2.5% in 380 days;

2.5% in 540 days;

5% on Occupancy.


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Developer Information

Graywood Developments is a private investment management and real estate developer headquartered in Toronto. Their first task is to invest heavily in the Greater Toronto Area and beyond. These investments are privately owned and shared. They are an award-winning company, and their project "Five Apartments" has received special attention. In the 2011 BILD Awards, five people won the best high-rise project of the year, best high-rise building design and best model kit awards. It is praised for its smooth oscillating texture, which is like a sound wave rushing into the sky.

The company is currently led by President and CEO Stephen Price. Price has more than 25 years of experience in the real estate industry in the private and public sectors. Prior to joining the developer in 2007, he served as senior vice president of GWL Realty Advisors, responsible for the growth and management of a $2.2 billion multi-residential portfolio.

Price used this experience and leadership to make Graywood grow into a force in the real estate industry. They are a comprehensive company whose services include acquisition of development sites, transaction underwriting and structural design, development management, project design, land use approval, sales, marketing, construction management, and project financing.

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