Concord Sky Condos

Concord Sky Condos

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Project Overview

Concord Sky Condos is a new condo development project by Concord Adex, located at Yonge St and Gerrard St E in Toronto. Concord Sky Condos rise to 95 floors and stand against the skyline of downtown Toronto. Not only will it become one of the city, but it will also become one of the tallest residential buildings in the country and the latest landmark in downtown Toronto.

KPF Architects 的线性设计和宽大的玻璃墙将有助于提升天际线并将其提升到新的高度,提供 1000 多个大小和布局范围从工作室到 2 间卧室和书房套房的住宅单元。 Concord Sky Condos 还为未来和大流行后的生活进行规划,为下一代生活精心设计的功能包括改进的气流和过滤以及门和电梯的非接触式技术。住在多伦多市中心的央街将提供无与伦比的便利和与世界一流的设施、就业中心、大专院校和交通选择的良好连接。


Concord Sky Condos 是 Concord Adex 的新公寓开发项目,位于多伦多 Yonge St 和 Gerrard St E。具体地址是多伦多央街193号。央街中心位置,多伦多地标天际线。

拥有完美的交通分数,Concord Sky Condos 将被世界一流的交通选择所包围,让居民可以轻松地使用 TTC 巴士、地铁和有轨电车服务,所有这些都在家附近。 Dundas 和 College 地铁站都在步行距离之内,交通便利。住在市中心时无需拥有车辆,乘坐公交将在短短几分钟内将乘客运送到他们需要去的城市或市中心核心区的任何地方。多伦多的市中心也非常适合骑自行车,该地区有许多专用的自行车道。

近乎完美的步行得分意味着 Concord Sky Condos 的居民将被多伦多市中心提供的最佳生活方式设施所包围,而且都在步行距离之内。一个高度连接和繁华的央街地址让位于一个令人兴奋和充满活力的地区。住在市中心时,总有一些值得一看或可以做的事情,这里有各种各样的当地和名牌餐饮、购物和娱乐选择。 CF 伊顿中心和央街/登打士广场距离家仅 5 分钟路程。

VVIP Exclusive Offer

As the chief special agent of the developer, Jiafang Group guarantees the lowest price and the most discount for the unit you buy! If you want to get the unit at the lowest price in the first time, please register according to the instructions at the bottom of the screen or call directly for details. Privileges and opportunities are only for you who are prepared!

Platinum VIP internal initial price

工作室/单间,$ 600’s起

1房,$ 650’起

1房加书房,$ 700’起

1房加书房(2浴),$ 750’起

2房/ 2房加书房,$ 800’起

2 bed plus study room/study room/library (2 baths), starting from $1 million

3 bedrooms, $ from 1.3 million yuan

Private Residence, $ from 1.3 million

Parking space: $ 120,000

(Applicable to 2 and 3 bedroom units above 700 square feet)

Locker: $ 12,000

Exclusive Incentives

One Time Free Assignment* ($5,000)

Capped Development Charges and Levies

Studios to 1B+D – Capped at $12,000

2B and larger – Capped at $17,000

One Year FREE Property Management

Extended Deposit Structure

Sign up to pay 5%

60 days 5%

180 days 5%

Pay 10% upon check-in


Investment reasons

There is a good saying, "The essence of investing in real estate is to share the dividends of urban development." Toronto has always had an extraordinary performance on the international stage. It is the center of industrial finance and economy in Toronto and has been favored by the world in recent years. , Was rated as one of the most promising and most livable cities.

住在多伦多市中心的一个主要好处是能够减少日常通勤时间,住在你工作、学习和娱乐的地方。市中心是该市一些最负盛名的专上院校的所在地,包括多伦多大学、瑞尔森大学和乔治布朗学院。该地区急需校外住宿,成千上万的学生在完成学业的同时寻找住宿,这使得 Concord Sky Condos 成为理想的选择,距离附近的校园不到 15 分钟步行路程。

Concord Sky Condos 为年轻的专业人​​士提供了一项惊人而方便的投资,许多主要的市中心就业中心都位于家的步行范围内。皇后公园、医院区和金融区都位于附近,乘坐公交或步行即可轻松抵达。居民还可以轻松前往多伦多市中心的 PATH 网络,该网络提供超过 30 公里的地下通道,是一个温暖干燥的选择,可帮助您到达目的地。

住在 Concord Sky Condos 和市中心并不意味着您必须牺牲附近的公园和自然空间。美丽而绿意盎然的艾伦花园和瑞尔森社区公园让您从熙熙攘攘的日常工作中获得宁静祥和的休憩之地,并为您的新家提供美丽的自然背景。安大略湖、海滨和受欢迎的海滩(包括糖海滩)也位于离家不远的地方。

除此之外,Concord Sky Condos毗邻的核心金融区附近有超过100,000个工作职位,Eaton Centre附近有超过70,000个工作职位,而距离公寓8分钟的乔治布朗学院大学,在校学生及教职员工共约30,000人。这一个在基数上不断扩大的庞大群体将成为联合公寓最稳定的刚需,稳定并大大提升了投资回报率。

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Developer Information

Concord Adex is a subsidiary of Concord Pacific. Concord Concord Group has established many large-scale master planning communities across Canada and is a well-known real estate development company rooted in Canada. Concord Concord Group has completed more than 150 residential and mixed-use buildings, of which more than 50 are in the planning and development stage. In the past 25 years, Concord Group has also developed into other industries, including software and information technology, telecommunications, and green energy projects in solar, wind and hydroelectric power generation. In addition to building houses and providing parks, recreational facilities, facilities, school spaces, breakwater walkways and daycare services, Concord Concord Group also supports major communities and ethnic groups through family-oriented activities and charitable activities.

Concord Sky Condos 视频讲解

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    Gary Zhu
    President Broker of Record
    Direct: 416-992-2899
    WeChat: Gary4169922899

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    Mississauga, ON L4Z 3E6
    Office: 905-890-9888
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