Pre-Construction Condos

Birchley Park Condos

Birchley Park Condos 是有著名开发商Diamond Kilmer Developments 联手打造的高12层375套单位的公寓和镇屋项目,具体地址在Victoria Park 大道411号。这个位置靠近Danforth地铁线的Victoria Park地铁站,8分钟又可抵达Danforth GO 客运火车站,项目靠近公园高尔夫球场湖滨沙滩购物学校和医院,50万起拥有巨大的升值潜力,需要第一时间拿到单位的朋友请立刻联系我们

The Dawes Condos

Dawes Condos高级公寓是由加拿大多伦多当地著名开发商Marlin Spring倾力打造的高分别为38层和24层位于East York Dawes大街10-30号的新建楼花项目,这个位置靠近Danforth地铁线的Main地铁站,8分钟又可抵达Danforth GO 客运火车站,项目靠近公园高尔夫球场湖滨沙滩购物学校和医院,50万起拥有巨大的升值潜力,需要第一时间拿到单位的朋友请立刻联系我们

LINEA Condos

Linea Condos is a new apartment development project jointly developed by two major developers, Stafford Homes and Goldman Group, located near Warden Ave & Eglinton Ave East in Toronto. The address of the project is at 743 Warden Avenue. The project is about 9 floors high and has 206 units. The estimated check-in time is 2024. Prices start at 500,000.


Nahid Kennedy is a new apartment development project of Options Development, located at Kennedy Rd & Eglinton Ave E in Toronto. The address of the project is 615 Kennedy Road, Toronto. The project is about 10 stories high and has 215 units. Suites range from 490 to 1116 square feet. The expected check-in time is the summer of 2023. The price starts at an incredible 46.9 million Canadian dollars.

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