1. 直通全球最大的地下商圈PATH,直达地铁站和办公楼。
Sky Tower公寓与多伦多大名鼎鼎的地下商城PATH相通,PATH凭借其超过30公里的购物、餐饮及娱乐商店长廊而打破吉尼斯世界纪录,成为世界上最大的综合性地下购物中心。PATH不仅连接着周边诸如地铁、Go Train、公共汽车及街车等重要公共交通枢纽和50多个办公大楼,包括标志性的Royal Bank Plaza、 Scotia Plaza和 Richmond Adelaide Centre等,而且地下商城内冬暖夏凉,每天有20多万的通勤者往来于此。PATH还连接着多伦多最主要的旅游景点,包括曲棍球名人堂、加拿大航空中心、罗杰斯中心以及加拿大国家电视塔等。Sky Tower公寓可直通PATH,将为居民提供最大限度的便利!
2. 豪华公寓配套设施齐全。
大楼的设计将由加拿大最为著名的建筑设计公司Hariri Pontarini负责,不仅Sky One公寓的楼体将再创多伦多新高,外观设计极具现代美感,而且建筑师们将最大程度减少建筑物上的风力荷载,保证楼体安全。同样出自Hariri Pontarini之手的建筑包括皇家安大略博物馆和安大略美术馆。
3. 安居Sky One湖滨公寓,探索最浪漫的多伦多。
子曰:“知者乐水,仁者乐山;知者动,仁者静;知者乐,仁者寿。”如果山水只能择其一,我会毫不犹豫选择“水”。Sky One公寓位于多伦多的滨水社区,是人们工作、生活和探索的最理想居所,由于靠近Union Station、Lakeshore Boulevard和Gardiner Expressway,住户们有着绝佳的通勤选择。而且步行1分钟可至安大略湖畔,你可以随心所欲选择自己喜欢的方式亲近大自然,比如骑自行车、慢跑、散步、垂钓或划船等。你也可以步行前往Jack Layton轮渡码头,这里提供前往多伦多岛的渡轮服务,那里是节假日一日游的绝佳去处。Sky One公寓距圣劳伦斯市场(St. Lawrence Market)和酿酒厂区(Distillery District)等历史悠久的街区以及充满活力的文化机构(如Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery和Harbourfront Center等)也仅仅几步之遥。
此地集多伦多市中心及最大湖滨社区特点于一身,因此每年各类文化主题活动层出不穷,不定期会举办游艇、划船、农夫集市、音乐节等主题活动。比如EchoBeach和Molson Ampitheatre,那里有极其出色的音乐会、音乐节以及露天电影院。近年来安大略湖畔出现了巨大的发展热潮,多个项目正在热火朝天的建设中,还有若干正处于提议阶段。我们有充分的理由相信这个区域未来几年将吸引越来越多的人公司入驻,越来越多的人迁移过来,推动区域房价和租金的上涨。
4. Toronto's lakeside area will be the hottest investment area in the next 20 years.
Toronto’s lakeside area has always been developed and managed by the Lakeside Management Company under the Toronto City Government to introduce partners. The company’s management is composed of three-level government officials, and none of them are idlers, such as the former Gao Michael Nobrega was once an executive of the OMER retirement fund for Ontario government workers. They are not only ambitious to boost the economy of the lakeside area, but also take this opportunity to make Toronto the world's most important innovation center, attracting more local and international investment. As one of the best cities in the world, Toronto has always been an investment target pursued by many large companies. After learning that Sidewalk Labs decided to withdraw from the "Google Smart City" project, Toronto Mayor Zhuang Deli publicly announced that Toronto will work with Ontario and the Commonwealth to promote the construction of Toronto's Lake District, continue to create new employment opportunities and economic development opportunities, and provide more Housing and better transportation. The lakeside area is still showing a huge development boom, many projects are under construction in full swing, and several are in the proposal stage. It is believed that the Lakeside Management Company under the Toronto City Government will soon find excellent partners to jointly develop the lakeside area. In the future, this lakeside community will have the world's top urban high-tech, and the future urban life mode will undergo radical changes.
5. 开发商40多年的开发经验,高标准和高质量的保障。
Pinnacle International是一家业务横跨加拿大东西海岸并辐射美国的综合性房地产公司,拥有业内最杰出的房地产开发、建造和管理团队,他们曾经成功开发了众多高标准和高质量的社区。他们相信Sky Tower公寓将成为多伦多市中心湖滨豪华公寓市场上最受瞩目的一颗明星,不论在设计、装修还是景观方面的表现都会远远超出客户所期待的。
VIP stage exclusive offers
1.所有单位赠送阳台,具体价格如下:一卧单位 (520-550平方尺) 起价$729,900, 一卧加一书房单位 (655-790平方尺) 起价$909,900,两卧加一书房单位 (985-1035平方尺) 起价$1,349,900。
2. 车位售价仅$80,000,仅供两卧及以上单位。
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